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Finding Balance
In creating the glass house of cards I seek to capture a moment in which, though precariously done, everything works together. If any single variable is altered the balance and stability with be destroyed. It is a peaceful situation that has no peace because of the “what if” and the knowledge that it is, like moments in life, fleeting.

Finding Balance
Kiln formed glass 62.5 x 35.5 x 6.5 2013

House of Cards Study VII
Kiln formed glass 16"x12"x2.5" 2012

House of Cards Study V
Kiln formed glass 2012

House of Cards Study III
Kiln formed glass 12"x5"x5" 2012

Card House Study IV
Kiln formed glass 10"x9"x6" 2012

Kiln formed glass 15"x4.5"x4.5" 2011

Tower (detail)
Kiln formed glass 15"x4.5"x4.5" 2011

Two Sides to Every Story
Kiln formed glass 11"x9"x2.5" 2011

Two Sides to Every Story
Kiln formed glass 11"x9"x2.5" 2011

House of Cards Study VI
Kiln formed glass 6.5"x4.5"x4.5" 2011

House of Cards Study I
Kiln formed glass 7"x4.5"x6" 2010
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